First Step From Passion to Profit: A Solopreneur’s Path in Meditative Art and Coaching for Parents

Tian Cai
6 min readJul 13, 2024


As a passionate solopreneur and coach-in-training, I sometimes feel lonely and unsure about how to make my meditative art and generative coaching integration a sustainable business. To help with this, I recently signed up for the MasterMind program by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. As the program progresses, I feel a strong urge to share what I’ve learned and be transparent about how my business evolves.

That’s why I created this monthly reflection newsletter to share the business insights I’m gaining as I transform my passion into lasting profit. This is the first step in shaping my business from the ground up, following a 7-step jumpstart instructed by Dean Graziosi.

Weekly Master Business System Reflections by Tian Cai

Step 1: Craft Your Unstoppable Future

Instead of diving straight into business strategies, Dean and Tony emphasized the importance of a mindset shift, starting with the “7 Levels Deep Why.” They stressed that we need to clearly and humbly understand where we are now, know ambitiously and in detail where we want to go, and, most importantly, understand the deep root causes of why we want to make this change.

Visual Note for Moonlit Bizcuit

Here are my demonstrations:

I. Where I am now?

As a full-time mom, I’m launching a new business that integrates meditative art and generative coaching services. Through initial user interviews with expectant parents, new parents, and those with young kids — both working and full-time — I’ve naturally gravitated towards where I can be most helpful. Currently, my primarily target audience is full-time moms who are deeply committed to their families and parenthood but are also seeking self-actualization outside of the home.

Many of these moms often feel a bit lost in terms of their personal identity and are eager to utilize their 3–4 hours of daily free time to pursue fulfilling purposes while making a meaningful impact for themselves and their families.

I empathize strongly with full-time moms who juggle mindfulness with their kids and the desire to make profit and find meaning. However, I have a couple of concerns that I plan to explore deeply with my users:

  • Including Dads: Should I also include dads in my coaching? From my initial outreach to busy dads, it seems that coaching practices might feel pressuring for them. Even my husband mentioned he prefers spending time with the kids if activities are provided rather than focusing on personal introspection.
  • Affordability: Will full-time moms be able to afford my services? I worry that they might not have the financial means or willingness to pay for them.

II. Where I want to go?

(The ideal life described below was written in April and requires revision on business vision.)

I want to have a life both peaceful and vibrant with energy. In this vision, I see myself spending three months every year traveling with my husband and kids, immersing ourselves in diverse cities and countries. We visit 3 countries a year from US, China to a new country.

Our exploration involves savoring authentic local cuisines, attending inspiring art events, embracing the beauty of nature, engaging in playful activities, and participating in lively festivals. Additionally, our travels would include precious visits to our extended family members and friends. We would make time to stay over, creating fun memories of playing in the forest, ocean, and mountains together.

I would have the freedom to work from anywhere and at any time that suits me, aligning with my children’s school hours or when they are engaged in play sessions with trusted friends or groups.

In my career, I aspire to collaborate closely with a small group of trusted individuals, crafting experiences and objects that leave our clients feeling valued, proud, and in continual progress. Imagining the work environment, I see scenarios where the warm, earthy scent of a candle accompanies a therapeutic body therapy session, or where the bright fragrance of fresh flowers uplifts a collaborative, productive gathering. Each day, I would be fueled by the meaningful connections at work, experiencing a profound sense of belonging and pride.

On a daily basis, when not traveling, my plan is to greet the day at 4:30 am with a warm cup of water. This early morning ritual, dedicated to self-care and deep study, instills mindfulness and personal growth, setting a positive and purposeful tone for the day. Throughout the rest of the day, I see myself co-creating small, joyful, and impactful moments with family and friends. Whether it’s enhancing home ambiance, nurturing relationships in nature, or contributing to local community building, these gradual changes would seamlessly add an extra layer of fulfillment and progress to the natural rhythm of our lives.

The financial concerns related to kids’ tuition, health insurance, or retirement would be absent. We would navigate these aspects with ease and security, allowing our family to focus on the joys of the present moment without the burden of worries.

III. “7 Levels Deep Why” — True Motivation for My Business

I am driven to help parents rediscover their passions and integrate these into their lives for personal fulfillment and to positively impact their families. My initial thoughts were rooted in achieving financial independence and having control and own responsibilities over my life. This drive is deeply connected to my belief in myself, the desire for financial stability, and preparing for a secure retirement.

Growing up, I often felt no one believed in me and lack of confidence. And now, I aspire to become an impactful and extraordinary leader who inspires and holds accountability for others. This personal journey is fundamental to my motivations — I want to create something that not only benefits me financially but also aids parents in creating their ideal life scenarios through a holistic approach from the inside-out and through mind, body, and soul connection.

My true motivation for starting this business is to help parents rediscover and integrate their passions into their lives, leading to personal fulfillment and a positive impact on their families, ultimately creating a nurturing environment for connected, happier, and successful children.

The personal reasons driving me to start my business revolve around several key themes:

1. Financial Security and Independence: I want financial stability and the freedom to travel, ensuring my family can live comfortably and without financial stress.

2. Role Model and Presence: I aspire to be a strong role model for my kids, showing them the importance of pursuing passions while balancing career goals and family life.

3. Family Impact: My upbringing has shaped my values on money and independence. I’m determined to be more present and supportive for my kids, unlike my own childhood experiences.

4. Empathy and Support: I deeply empathize with full-time moms and want to help them find personal fulfillment while ensuring their family’s well-being. My program aims to support parents in creating their ideal lives while managing their roles effectively.

5. Connection and Global Readiness: Living abroad has highlighted the challenges of connecting with my kids and supporting their international education. I aim to offer resources and guidance to parents facing similar challenges, preparing them and their families for a globalized future.



Tian Cai

Former Frog Design researcher at the Creative Research Lab, specializing in mental wellbeing for Real Beautiful Parenthood.